![](threefold__home_header_logo.png) # Together We Build > No matter who you are, you can be part of the ThreeFold Movement. This library contains everything you need to get involved and paves the way for the future of the decentralized Internet. The ThreeFold library describes the ThreeFold open source project, a [Peer To Peer](threefold__peer2peer) Internet infrastructure built from the ground up for scale. The different sub libraries cover key aspects of the project: ## [The ThreeFold Grid](/tfgrid/threefold__grid_home) The Threefold Grid is an open-source Internet infrastructure that leverages autonomous cloud and high-performance, permissionless blockchain technology. Learn about the grid and what makes it revolutionary. ## [ThreeFold Farming](/tfgrid/farming/threefold__farming_intro) ThreeFold Farming (“Farming”) is the process of connecting Internet capacity to the ThreeFold Grid and earning income in the form of [TFT](threefold__threefold_token). Learn about farming and how to participate. ## [The ThreeFold Token](/tokens/threefold__tokens_home) [TFT](threefold__threefold_token) is the first utility token in the world that gives access to decentralized Internet (compute, storage and network) capacity. It is the medium of exchange on the ThreeFold Grid. Learn more and how to get involved. ## [The ThreeFold Cloud](/cloud/threefold__cloud_home) ThreeFold P2P Cloud is a Peer To Peer network of compute and storage, that is integrated and compatible to the most used developer tools and formats. Learn about the cloud and what's possible on ThreeFold. ## [Decentralization](/decentralization/threefold__decentralization) Decentralization is needed across a wide array of systems – including organizations – to build a better tomorrow, bringing more resilience, equality, and fairness. Learn how we are decentralizing ThreeFold. ## [Technology](/technology/threefold__technology) ThreeFold has created an amazing technology system to allow anyone to host their applications and data close to them. Learn about the magic of the technology and what it enables. ## Help Us Improve What can we say ... We're better together! If you feel something in this Library should be added, removed, or edited, please [create an issue](https://github.com/threefoldfoundation/info_threefold_pub/issues ':ignore') directly on GitHub and we will address it. ## Disclaimer All claims, content, designs, algorithms, estimates, roadmaps, specifications, and performance measurements described in this project are done with the author's best effort. It is up to the reader to check and validate their accuracy and truthfulness. Furthermore, nothing in this project constitutes a solicitation for investment.