# TFGrid ## THE MISSING LAYER FOR ![](threefold__missinglayer.png) ## What is the ThreeFold Grid? The Threefold Grid is an open-source Internet infrastructure that leverages autonomous cloud and high-performance, permissionless blockchain technology. It represents the first full-stack, decentralized, [Peer To Peer](/tfgrid/threefold__peer2peer) Internet infrastructure in the world that connects compute (in the form of highly-optimized containers), storage and network (to run network services) capacity all-in-one. With +3,200 servers delivering +80,000,000 GB of online storage across 75+ countries, the ThreeFold Grid is the largest [Peer To Peer](/tfgrid/threefold__peer2peer) Internet in the world. The [ThreeFold Grid](/tfgrid/threefold__threefold_grid) operates as a [DAO](/tfgrid/threefold__dao). The ThreeFold Grid is made up of many servers called [3Nodes](/tfgrid/threefold__3node) that are distributed around the world by independent people and organizations called ThreeFold Farmers (“Farmers”). [3Nodes](/tfgrid/threefold__3node) runs a unique operating system called [Zero-OS](/tfgrid/threefold__zos), a lightweight and ultra-efficient open-source operating system. Each user can then access the ThreeFold Grid with a Digital Self which is a virtual system administrator that executes the commands (reservation of capacity, sending messages, store files, build applications, etc.) directly on the operating system level via a Smart Contract for IT.